For the Love of "F"

Things Learned This Week:

*The Letter “F”
*Letters in our name
*Counting by 10
*Yellow + Blue = Green
*Story of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem

Memory Verse:

Jesus Christ is the Son of God


To start off the week of the letter “F”, we watched our Preschool Prep: Meet the Letters DVD. They really have learned a lot from these videos! After the video, we sat down with a couple of books and pointed out the letter “F” and the words that start with it. They always love this simple activity! 🙂
After looking for the letter “F”, we read our Bible story for the week. This week we learned about how Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to deliver baby Jesus.

After reading the story we did a fun and simple hand-eye coordination activity. I grabbed some play doh, cheerios, and spaghetti noodles. Just place the noodles in the play doh and let them stack the cheerios up on the noodles. The kids loved it, PLUS they got a snack out of it!


To start our day off, we watched the Preschool Prep: Meet the Colors video. After our daily video, we put some of that knowledge to use. I grabbed a couple of sheets of paper and let the kids paint on their easel. We talked about what color they were using and they both correctly identified green. I love to see how differently they think to do things. Both of them made dots with their paintbrushes, not any lines! Very interesting 🙂

Next up was our Bible story. We read again about how Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem for Baby Jesus. After our story we learned about how to take care of our things. The kids got to learn about cleaning their clothes. They enjoyed learning about what goes on inside the laundry room and I liked the help!


Today we started out with our Preschool Prep: Meet the Numbers video. After the video we read our weekly Bible story about Mary and Joseph. 
Our next activity for the day was a really fun one. *Cue lots of cute pictures!* I made a fun caterpillar to learn the letters in the kids’ names and to practice counting to 10. I grabbed some circles and wrote their letters in their name and the numbers 1-10 on them. Then I made a caterpillar out of circles and let them place the stickers in the right spot. 
For their name, I handed them a letter at a time and they would name the letter and place it in the circle. And for counting to ten I handed them the numbers and let them match them up on the second caterpillar. 

 Finished product! 
For our final activity we worked some more on the color green. I put a white sheet of paper in a ziplock bag and placed some green and white paint on the paper. The kids used their fingers to mix the paint together and see the different shades of green. This was a semi successful activity. The only downside was that it took A LOT of paint to make the colors mix easily. All in all it was a fun learning activity.


Today we started out with the Preschool Prep: Meet the Colors video. After the video we practiced our memory verse for the week. The kids are doing really well repeating the verse!
Next up was another simple color activity. I grabbed a couple of glasses and placed some water in them. Then I dropped some yellow food coloring in one glass and some blue food coloring in the other. Finally I let the kids drop the water into one clear bowl. We talked about how the colors mixed together to make green. This was a fun and slightly messy activity!

For our final activity we got into the Valentine’s spirit! I took a toilet paper roll and shaped it into a heart. Then I gave the kids some red paint and let them stamp the shape on their paper. They had a blast AND they made great Valentines gifts!


For our final school day this week we watched the Preschool Prep: Meet the Shapes video. I seriously can’t stress how amazing these videos have been for us! I love to hear them yell the shapes out before the video says what it is. After the video we worked on the memory verse again.

Our next activity was a fun Valentine’s activity! We made cards to give to others and talked about how we should show our love to those that we are close to. I gave the kids a few supplies and let them do whatever they wanted with them. And their daddy LOVED them 🙂

Our final activity was a Target Dollar Spot find! I found some window clings that you color yourself, so I let the kids color the window clings and then we had some fun playing with them! They were a little hard to color, so most of our time was spent sticking them to the windows.

Things I Learned This Week:

*Sickness is a jerk! We have been battling horrible colds around here and it has made this Mama lazy and these kids crazy! *Hence the late, late post…* I have learned that some days it isn’t worth fighting and I just have to try again the next day. We are all still trying to get back to our normal selves.
*My kids are seriously obsessed with stickers!
*Letting the kids help with household chores can actually be helpful 🙂
See y’all next week!

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